If you experience a problem with our website or app, please try the following quick fixes before contacting support:
On Web:
Are you using Internet Explorer? Internet Explorer is not supported by Getmyboat. If you're having an issue using Internet Explorer, please try using any other browser like Google Chrome, FireFox, or Safari to see if that fixes the problem.
If you're using the website through a supported browser like Chrome but run into an issue, try clearing your cache and/or cookies. If you have used Getmyboat in the past, you may have something saved that is preventing you from progressing on the site.
On Mobile:
If you're using our app on your iPhone or Android and run into a problem, please make sure you have the most current version of the app downloaded. You can also try using the mobile website from your phone instead of the app by going to www.getmyboat.com from your web browser and see if that fixes the issue.
We want to make sure Getmyboat works smoothly, so if the above steps do not correct the problem please contact us directly. Please provide which browser or mobile device you're using so our product team can take a look at it and make sure we don't have a bug.
You can reach us via email at support@getmyboat.com