If you need to cancel a booking for any reason, follow these steps:
- Go to your inbox and find the booking
- Click on the options button to bring up the menu
- Click the "Cancel Reservation" button
- Add the reason for your cancellation in the text box
- Select the "Cancel Reservation" confirmation button one more time
A cancellation notification will be sent to the owner and your booking will be canceled
Please note that Getmyboat follows the cancellation policy set by the owner in their listing. If an owner has a cancellation policy that does not allow for refunds, or only offers partial refunds, then Getmyboat must honor the owner's policy.
If the owner has not specified a cancellation policy, Getmyboat's standard cancellation policy designates that a full refund will be issued if you've canceled your trip five (5) or more days prior to the start date. Getmyboat's service fee is always non-refundable.
If you plan on cancelling a confirmed booking, we highly recommend you check the owners cancellation policy so you know what to expect in advance. Getmyboat can only offer refunds at the owner's discretion, except in very rare circumstances.
We recognize the impact this has on everyone, not just our travel plans but health and safety overall. Because of the rapidly-evolving nature of COVID-19, we are currently unable to adapt our policies around the pandemic. We are however committed to great customer service and providing world-class customer experiences overall. We have asked all our owners to consider COVID-19 within their respective cancellation policies.