We've just introduced a new update to our search results pages! Our new carousel, located at the top of each results page, shows some of the most popular listings of the most popular boat type in a given area.
They're chosen automatically, depending on our renters' preferences and the location of a search — and it's dynamic, so each time you visit the page, a different set of listings will likely appear.
It's designed to drive more inquiries to you, the boat owner, and being included in the carousel is automatic based on your listing type and performance.
If you're not in there and would like to be, the best thing to do is just to continue being a great GetMyBoat owner — respond promptly to inquiries & send timely bookable offers to renters, earn great reviews, and provide a great service that renters will want to recommend! Ensuring that your availability and calendar are up to date will improve your conversion and offer rate, and ultimately increase your search visibility.