How do I create an offer from the GetMyBoat app?
Creating an offer on your GetMyBoat app is very similar to replying with an offer through the website. Follow these steps:
1. You will receive a push notification and email letting you know you have a new inquiry.
2. Open the notification up and it should take you to the inquiry directly. You will be able to see a snapshot of the trip details and will be given two options: "Options" or "Create Offer".
3. If the details work for you as is, you can simply click "Create Offer", add your price on the next screen, then click "Send Offer" to send it to the customer.
If you need to change some of the trip details (for example, if a customer has requested 2 hours but you only offer 4 hours) then you can click the little edit icons next to each section of the inquiry to adjust the details
If you need additional details, you can click the "Options" button and click the "Send Message" option to send the customer a message. Please remember sharing contact information (phone numbers, emails, websites, social media accounts, etc) is prohibited until after a customer books through the GetMyBoat platform.
4. Once you have added your price, you will be able to review all the trip details and pricing before the offer is sent to the customer. Review the offer to make sure all the details are correct.
5. Once you've reviewed the details and are ready to send, you just need to click the "Send Offer" button a final time. The status will change in your inbox from "New Inquiry" to "Offer Sent".
IMPORTANT: If you edit details in the inquiry, they will NOT be sent to the customer until you see the status change to "Offer Sent".
6. The next step is in the customer's hands. They will be able to message you with additional information or questions, cancel the inquiry if they are no longer interested, or accept your offer and confirm the booking. If a customer accepts your offer, they will be prompted to enter their credit card information and the trip will be paid in full. The booking will be considered confirmed and you will receive a confirmation notification.
That’s it! It only takes a minute or two to respond back to an inquiry and potentially get a new customer.
To decline an inquiry, please follow these steps:
- You can decline inquiries by following the steps HERE
- If your watercraft is not available, please update your calendar so you don’t receive additional inquiries for the dates you’re unavailable.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us.